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vscode -pets : Puts a small, bored cat

by newly everyday 2021. 3. 16.


vscode-pets README

Puts a small, bored cat, an enthusiastic dog, a feisty snake, or Clippy 📎 in your code editor.

Run the "Start pet coding session" action to see the panel.


Get from the VS Code marketplace

Showing your pet

Run the "Start pet coding session" command (vscode-pets.start)

Configuring your pet

You can choose either pet type and fur color

*snake can only be green

*Clippy can only be metallic


Pets will interact with you

Throwing a ball

Play catch with your pet! Run the "Throw ball" command (vscode-pets.throw-ball).

*Clippy does not play with balls.


The cat, dog, and snake media assets for this extension were licensed from itch.io.

Marc Duiker created the Clippy media assets.



